The warmer months have finally come around and you’re ready to start enjoying all the fun activities that comes with it….until you realise that with warmer weather comes mozzies, midges and other pesky insects. What makes this even more frustrating is if you’re someone with sensitive skin prone to outbreaks of eczema, rashes, itchiness and even reactions like welts caused by insect bites. Finding an insect repellent that is gentle enough for your skin as well as effective in repelling insects can be tough. Here we will break down some of the watch outs when looking for the right repellent.
There are some keys things to look out for in insect repellents that can irritate sensitive skin. Avoid products containing chemicals like deet which is a household grade pesticide, avoid chemicals all together and avoid added fragrances as they might smell divine but can leave your skin feeling irritated and dry.
On the plus side there are some key ingredients you can look out for in repellents to help combat insects while leaving your skin feeling hydrated and nourished. Beeswax, restorative, and gentle enough for use on even the most sensitive skin, beeswax is known to soothe itchiness and irritation, to nourish, and to soften dry and cracked skin. Almond oil is safe for sensitive skin as it’s naturally anti-inflammatory so it can be soothing to irritated or inflamed skin. Combine these supernatural wonders of nature to repelling essential oils like Eucalyptus, Citronella and Pine for long lasting protection whilst hydrating and nourishing your skin.
CinnaBalm has you covered this Spring/Summer!